Grilling a perfect steak is an art form that many aspire to master. When it comes to grilling, using Australian charcoal can take your steak game to the next level. In this article, we’ll explore the tips and tricks to achieve a mouthwatering steak by grilling with Australian charcoal. We’ll also discuss alternatives for those who prefer a gas grill.

Selecting the Right Steak

Before you dive into the grilling process, you must start with the right steak. The choice of steak can significantly impact the final outcome. Opt for well-marbled cuts like ribeye, T-bone, or New York strip. The marbling ensures a juicy and flavorful steak.

Preparing the Steak

Proper preparation is key to grilling success. Start by taking the steak out of the refrigerator and allowing it to come to room temperature. This ensures even cooking. Before grilling, season the steak generously with salt and pepper. You can also use your favorite steak rub for extra flavor.

Lighting the Australian Charcoal

Using Australian charcoal is a game-changer when it comes to grilling. It burns hot and imparts a unique smoky flavor to your steak. To light it, consider using a chimney starter. It’s a simple and effective tool for getting the charcoal going without the use of lighter fluid, which can leave an unpleasant taste on your food.

Set Up Two Zones

For charcoal grilling, it’s essential to create two heat zones: one for searing and the other for indirect cooking. Pile the hot charcoal on one side of the grill for searing and keep the other side cool. This setup allows you to sear your steak over high heat and then finish cooking it over indirect heat.

Searing the Steak

Place your well-seasoned steak directly over the hot charcoal. Searing locks in the juices and creates a flavorful crust. For a perfect sear, aim for about 2-3 minutes per side. Be sure not to move the steak too much during this phase to achieve those beautiful grill marks.

Indirect Cooking

After the searing is complete, move the steak to the cool side of the grill. Cover the grill to create an oven-like effect, ensuring even cooking. The steak will continue to cook without the direct flame, which helps prevent overcooking or burning.

The Importance of Temperature

Invest in a good meat thermometer to monitor the steak’s internal temperature. For medium-rare, aim for around 130-135°F (54-57°C), while medium is around 140-145°F (60-63°C). Remember, the steak will continue to cook as it rests, so remove it from the grill just before it reaches your desired doneness.

Resting the Steak

Allow your perfectly grilled steak to rest for a few minutes before slicing. Resting helps redistribute the juices, resulting in a tender, juicy steak. Cover the steak with foil to keep it warm during this crucial phase.

Grilling Steak on a Gas Grill

For those who prefer a gas grill, achieving a delicious steak is still possible. Here are some tips to make it happen:

Preheat the Grill

Preheat your gas grill to high heat. It’s important to get the grill as hot as possible for a good sear.

Follow the Same Principles

The same principles apply to gas grilling – start with a well-marbled steak, season it and create two heat zones. One side should be set to high heat for searing, while the other remains on low heat for indirect cooking.

Sear and Finish

Sear the steak on the hot side for 2-3 minutes per side, then move it to the cooler side and continue cooking to your desired internal temperature.


Grilling the perfect steak with Australian charcoal or a gas grill is an achievable goal with the right techniques. It all starts with selecting the right cut of meat, proper seasoning and creating the ideal grilling environment. Whether you prefer the smoky, rich flavors of charcoal or the convenience of gas, these tips and tricks will ensure a mouthwatering steak that will impress even the most discerning of taste buds. So, fire up your grill, embrace these tips and get ready to savor the best steak of your life. Happy grilling!